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Writer's pictureSteve Hall

Great Expectations

Osaka supercross 1989, a 16 year old Damon Bradshaw wins his first premier class race. Battling and Defeating Rick Johnson, the current Supercross and 500cc National Champion. RJ famously tells him "your fucked now"

What R J meant was now that "The Beast from the East" had shown he could win against the big boys, that it would become the expectation.

Above - The Beast from the East

This is a sentiment that rings true for all sports, the more you win the more you are expected to win, think of the glory days of the Aussie Cricket team, The All Blacks, a young Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. Once your are a winner the fans expect it, and the fans are the harshest critics of all when the winning stops.

The greats of our sport have all experienced it. there was literally shock if Jeremy McGrath had a bad night, there is stories of children leaving the stadium in tears because MC didn't win. Ricky Carmichael has often spoken about how the fear of losing drove him more than the joy of winning.

22 and 0, wow hey, how much expectation is on Jett now? fair to say its a shit load! Sure, things like injuries, first turn pile ups, mechanicals and the like allow a little grace. But for now until he hangs up the lid, he will be expected to win. Its gonna be interesting to watch. Jett doesn't seem to feel to much pressure, at least he doesn't show it. I get the feeling that Dazzy and Johnny carry it for him.

Although I'm pumped to see more moto, hey that's never a bad thing! I'm looking at SMX as I did the Monster Cup, at this stage its a trial, an experiment. A really cool experiment. But what's the conversation if Jett doesn't win the SuperMotocross World Championship Play Off's? I'm not sure.

But the real stuff kicks off in January.

Is he the favorite for 2024 Supercross? Id say no. That is Eli

If he finish's 3rd to Chase and Eli is that Success? I'd say yes.

Would you be surprised if he dominated? No, not at all.

What do you think?

Go Riding


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